Add Some Pop To Your Photoshoots
We want to start by thanking everyone for their continued support. There will be some new things coming to Picture Studios in 2021 so stay tuned! Read on to learn about what we have been up to lately.
Makeup Battle: Round 1 Recap
The first month of Makeup Battle (@makeupbattleshow) went by fast. Be sure to watch this week’s episode featuring Ayeeedubb (@ayeeedubb) of Raleigh’s K97.5 (FM Radio) where we’ll recap show highlights from Round 1. During the first round (aka “Signature Round”) of the #makeupbattleshow, eight makeup artists created their signature looks as part of a head to head contest. The second round (aka “Freestyle Round”) begins in August and the stakes will get bigger as a result. Be sure to subscribe to the Makeup Battle channel on YouTube and click the notification bell to receive updates.
Yellow Backdrop Paper

Looking for a way to add POP to your photoshoots in August? Check out our new Yellow Backdrop Paper! Whether you are planning your next FASHION SHOOT or creating something AWESOME, adding some color will go a long way toward a successful project. We look forward to seeing what everyone will create!
Follow Us On Social Media

If you don’t already, be sure to follow us @RentMyStudio for more updates and news about what’s going on at our studio. We have two more BIG announcements coming during the month of August!